10 Quick Tips for a Spirit-Filled Christmas
Is your to-do list overwhelming your desire for a Spirit-filled Christmas? Check out this 10 quick tips to find time and space for what’s important this Christmas.
God is Holding You
As I held my grandson, I heard God speak to me, “I’m holding you.”
Healthy Back-to-School Snack
Are you looking for a healthy back-to-school snack other than apples slices or carrots? Try these energy balls. Tested and approved by a registered Dietician.
10 Things to Say to Your Child
The power of words can cause a child to soar beyond what one ever dreamed, or words can slay and stop a dream in its track. What should we say to our child? Read on.
Five Short Prayers For Messy and Mundane Moments
All moms have them. Moments in our day when we need help—help to get us through a messy or mundane moment. Try out these five short prayers to help you through these moments of your day.
Easter Basket Ideas
Are you looking for Easter basket ideas? I’ve got resources and ideas for the whole family.