A sacred encounter in an unremarkable place

My husband and I just returned from a dream trip to Italy. Sandwiched between our visits to Florence and Rome we took a train to the Cinque Terre towns bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Rising early the next morning to beat the crowds,

Lessons from the Garden

(Photo credit: Derek Cressman) My friend and I started a garden this past spring. Our church offered a 20 x 20’ plot of land to its members. Since it’s a missional garden, the church asked the gardeners to give away some of the abundance. When I asked my friend to share a plot,

The Boomerang Effect of Delight

A couple weeks ago, before my husband left for work, he discovered a fawn snuggled in a straw bed in our backyard. He implored me to look. In a foul mood, I took a cursory glance from the deck (where you could see nothing) and walked back into the house. For heaven’s sake did he […]

When You Wonder If Your Life Matters

“My life doesn’t matter.” She’d been beaten and bruised, not the kind visible to the passerby but inside where it’s left unattended. The toxic wound stayed festered, scabbed over, and reopened but never fully healed. The words taunted and played out in her daily life–how she lived, talked, and related to others. This estimation was […]

The Jesus I Know

I wrote this poem for Bible Study Fellowship share night. The poem summarizes what I learned about Jesus from each chapter of the Gospel of John. Several people asked for a copy so here you go! He’s the Word made flesh. The One who dwelt on earth. He turned the water to wine and displayed […]