Five Short Prayers For Messy and Mundane Moments

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Do you have mundane moments in your day when you need help but don’t have time to sit down and pray?

In our house, Mondays were equated with laundry. Weekends were for enjoyment, and laundry didn’t qualify. So every Monday morning, I’d tackle this mundane chore. Moving from room to room, I’d collect laundry baskets and pick up the scattered clothes—sweaty sports uniforms, reeking camp clothes, and musty swim towels—until the mounds of dirty laundry resembled the hills of Tennessee.

My plan of action? Get it done and move on to more enticing tasks.

Then one day, I re-read about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet.

Despite the collision of coming down to earth, Jesus emptied himself and served. He left his heavenly home to walk on our soil, in our shoes. He knelt low to wash his friends’ grimy, calloused feet.

We can grit our teeth and race through unwelcome chores or allow God to change our attitude. And when we choose the latter, grace shows up.

These five simple prayers helped me survive and thrive in these seemingly meaningless minutes of my day.

Fill me, Jesus

When the mounds of laundry overwhelm the room, remember that Jesus is with you and acquainted with mundane tasks. “Fill me, Jesus,” is our prayer. “Fill me with joy as I fold the kid’s clothes and iron my husband’s shirts. Activate the attitude of Christ in me. May the joy of the Lord be my strength.”

Help me, Jesus

When we are exhausted from lack of sleep, and the endless chores yet to be done litter our house, we cry out, “Help me, Jesus.” When we need wisdom with a wayward child, we can say, “Help me, Jesus. Give me the wisdom and discernment to know what is the right path.” When you’re at your wits end with a neighbor, you can call to Jesus for help.

I trust you, Jesus

When we are anxious and worried about all uncompleted tasks, our kids’ futures, or life in general, we can say, “I trust you, Jesus.” When your child is ill, struggling with making friends, or not keeping up with the other students in his class, you can state confidently, “I trust You, Jesus. I trust you to will and work in my child’s life for your good purpose.” When our husbands make decisions contrary to our desires, we can say, “I trust you, Jesus, with my husband. I believe you’re still seated on the throne in heaven and are ruling over all circumstances and people, especially my husband.”

I thank you, Jesus

When frustrated, we can say, “I thank you, Jesus for _______.” When discontentment rules our day, we can recount everything we’re thankful for. When depression weighs down on us, we can count our blessings.

I praise you, Jesus

When the horrors of school shootings, human trafficking, sexual confusion, and fractions in our government, churches, and homes wear us down, we can say by faith, “I praise You, Jesus. You are gracious and compassionate. You are my Rock. You are from everlasting to everlasting.”

It’s a weighty job, this parenting task, but the same Jesus who came to seek and to serve desires to meet us in the mundane moments of our day.

Do you have a go-to prayer?

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