Looking firsthand into the world of sex trafficking

Periodically, I want to present people who are following Jesus but take a path different from mine or yours. This week I sat down with Kyla Conlee, a woman of guts and grit, to delve deeper into the epidemic problem of sex trafficking here in the United States. Warning: Because of the nature of the […]

When God asks you to do something hard

I’m tired. December was a month of abundant activity but now I have the holiday hangover. Maybe it’s the sugar comma, the extra pounds, or the dreary pewter skies. Before the holidays,

Finding Joy this Christmas

The roast is burnt. A chair is empty. A child is not home. Mom is tired. Dad is hospitalized. The baby is sick. The bank account is depleted. The gift is unremarkable. The flight is cancelled. The ground is brown. Christmas doesn’t always turn out like what we planned.

Recapturing the Wonder of Christmas

Christmas dinner was finished and the presents unwrapped. My grandmother entered the room carrying a birthday cake with one candle flicking on top. She asked the family gathering of fourteen, “Whose birthday are we celebrating?”

When you’re waiting on God

‘Tis the season to wait. My family and I already waited in a long line at a Christmas Tree farm. At the mall on Black Friday, I ended up waiting in a line of three, but it might as well have been 13. I know I should be patient and loving,

Jesus Follower Q&A: Overcoming Domestic Violence and Addiction

Periodically, I want to present ordinary people who are following Jesus but choosing a path different from mine or yours. This past week I sat down with Raymond Bond. Raymond was shot in a domestic violence dispute that left him blind. In addition to the blindness he had several familial addictions to overcome in his walk to […]