Help Me!

We all need help sometimes. Scripture tells us that “Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1).

The Maker of heaven and earth. That’s quite a resume. If I ponder that title for even a bit, I wonder why I don’t bother to go to my Maker more often for relief from today’s problems.

I default to working the problem out in my limited strength, finite wisdom, and meager resources. But when I fail (and I usually do), I finally go to the Helper and cry out, “Help me!”

It seems rudimentary, but it’s important to remember that God is the source of our help. We tend to forget, so it’s good to remind ourselves of who our Helper is.

He’s the one who says, “Do not fear. I will help you” (Isaiah 13).

He’s the one to run to when outnumbered and overwhelmed.

He’s close and never far away.

He’ll reach out his arm and pull you out of the ditch.

He promises to hear the prayers of needy people.

There was one such needy woman in the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew, this woman, considered an enemy of the Jews, asked Jesus to heal her daughter, who was “severely tormented by evil spirits.” Jesus didn’t say anything at first. The disciples wanted to send the bothersome woman away. Unhindered and desperate, the woman knelt in front of Jesus and pleaded, “Lord, help me!”

It’s puzzling and challenging to understand why Jesus didn’t immediately answer her or help her. But in her neediness and persistent cry for help, Jesus intervened. He marveled at her great faith and healed her daughter immediately.

Don’t you love this persistent woman? She barely knew Jesus. She may have heard of him, but she didn’t know him. Yet, somehow she knew He was the only one who could help her. And Jesus? He didn’t care about her status, gender, or ethnicity. He only cared about her great faith, and he acted out of compassion.

Where are you needy? Where do you need help? Crying out to God is an act of faith. When we do, we finally admit to God and ourselves that we cannot do what is right in front of us. We need his help.

His help may not look exactly like what we expected. Sometimes he promises to hear you and be with you through whatever your situation is enough. Other times God will show up precisely at the right time and do exactly as you asked. Both results are glorious and comforting.

What do you need help with today? We don’t need to wait until the next day during regularly scheduled prayer time, but we can pray right now—”Help me, Lord.”

When we do, we can be sure our God hears us. We can boldly say, “The Lord is my Helper. I will not be afraid” (Hebrews 13:6).

Try it. Ask God today for what you need. Prayer those two words, “Help me!”

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