Readying Your Wee Ones for a Life of Prayer

Learning to pray continuously takes us adults a lifetime it seems.

But once young children learn that they CAN converse with God they just assume that it happens any time, any place, under any circumstance.

In Luke 18:17 Jesus says, “I assure you: Whoever does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” I say we need to pray like little children pray.

I don’t think we need to teach little children to pray. But we do need to teach them some things that will get them ready to trust God and pray to Him.

  • From the moment they are born we need to teach our children that they are loved.

God has wired the human brain to make connections. When our infants and toddlers feel that we love and value them they will connect those same feelings to God, their Heavenly Father.

  • From the moment they are born we need to teach our children that they are safe, secure.

We teach them this by holding them close to our bodies, by making sure they are fed, warm, clean. By keeping them in safe places, by protecting them and helping them meet each new challenge. If they feel safe with us they will connect to feeling safe with God.

  • From the moment they are born we need to teach our children that we are listening when they speak or look at us.

When a conversation is going on with your little one, stop what you are doing and look into his face. Pay attention. Look at them while you answer their question. You are teaching your little one two critical life skills: how to listen and pay attention when other people speak, and the knowledge that God stops and listens when we go to Him in prayer.

  • From the time they can sit up, recognize faces, and make sounds we need to teach our children gratitude.

Say “thank you” to them often. As soon as they can sit in a highchair fold their little hands together and recite a simple “Thank you, God, for our food. Amen.” Teach them that all the things in our lives are gifts from God.

When we gently and lovingly teach these things to our toddlers and preschoolers it will be second nature for them to talk to God, to assume He is listening, and to expect Him to answer.

That is prayer in its purest sense.

These four truths are part of the basis for my Bountiful Blessings picture book series. God’s Blessings of Fall is the first book.

I sincerely hope it is a tool you can use as you teach your little ones about their God who loves and values them.


The guest writer today is Jean Matthew Hall. Jean has spent most of her life singing songs, reading books, playing games, cutting, coloring and gluing with children of all ages. And, she loves it! Creating encouraging board books and picture books is her idea of fun, but her favorite times are spent with her eight grandchildren.

Jean’s picture book God’s Blessings of Fall debuted in September 2019. It is the first in her Bountiful Blessings series about the four seasons.

You can contact Jean or learn more about her here:

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