Spiritual Vitamins

The other day I checked in at the local YMCA and on the counter sat a basket of colorful strips of papers. Another woman asked the employee what they were.

“Spiritual vitamins,” she replied.

I grabbed one and savored it; “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37).

I’m disciplined about taking my multi-vitamins and demanded my kids take theirs. I even snuck a bottle of multi-vitamins in the luggage when they left for college only to find each bottle returned at the end of the year—unopened (we moms try).

With August upon us and some of your kids already in school, why not send your children off with multi- and spiritual vitamins.

Priscilla Shirer, Christian author and teacher, once tweeted that she sent her kids to school with a blessing. Imagine Shirer in her fiery, spirit-infused voice commanding God’s blessings over her boys.

You are a child of the king.
If God is for you, who can be against you?
You are God’s treasured possession.
You are blessed by his hand.
You have been crowned with love and compassion.
You are heir to his throne.
You are dearly loved.
God has a plan to prosper you not to harm you.

Can you imagine what a child would think upon receiving that blessing? I know my then teenagers would have balked and pleaded, “Enough already mom!” But God’s word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11) and whether they pretend annoyance or not, they need to hear it! They need to know the truth about themselves before the world poisons them with lies.

The Old Testament scriptures instructed parents to tell their kids truths when they talked to them, sat next to them, and walked beside them. They were to share God’s message when the child lied down and when he rose up (Deuteronomy 11:18-20). Before your child walks out that door to school, remind her of who she is as a child of God. When someone tells her a lie, she’ll have God’s Word stirring in her mind and soul.  She can then confidently and defiantly reject the lie.

I didn’t send my children off verbalizing God’s blessings, but I did pack spiritual vitamins in their lunches or send texts. That works, but to hear God’s word spoken over you, for you—powerful.

As a mother of adult children now, I’ve given up reminding them to take their multi-vitamins (may you have better luck) but never the spiritual ones.


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