A couple weeks ago, before my husband left for work, he discovered a fawn snuggled in a straw bed in our backyard. He implored me to look. In a foul mood, I took a cursory glance from the deck (where you could see nothing) and walked back into the house. For heaven’s sake did he expect me to walk down the stairs and across the driveway to see a fawn so early in the morning?
Later in the day, after my dark mood had vanished, I trekked down the stairs and walked across the driveway because that fawn had been consuming my thoughts.
It was love at first sight. I took a video of the fawn lying there (doing nothing). I snapped dozens of pictures (that all looked the same) and even invited my neighbors to join in my giddiness. You would have thought I had become a grandmother overnight.
Throughout the day, I kept watch from the kitchen window. The neighbor and I traded texts fretting about the recent coyote sightings. But by the next morning, the fawn had left.
For that short span of time, I felt God had plopped this precious gift in my backyard for my delight.
I don’t know about you but sometimes I think God reserves His delight for others not me. It didn’t ring true, but it’s an honest assessment. So, I searched the Bible to see what it said.
I discovered this pleasure for His people is scriptural. He delights in those who believe Jesus is the Son of God sent by God. He is pleased to save those who believe in the Gospel message. Yes, He loves the world (John 3:16), but He loves and delights in His children.
When we pursue Jesus, we find more evidence “The LORD delights in those who fear him” Psalm 147:11.
But lest we get too puffed up, God also “disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in” (Proverbs 3:12).
(He must delight in me because I’ve attended this class a few too many times.)
As Jesus followers, His delight in us should boomerang to Him. Salvation initiates this boomerang effect. We should rejoice Jesus died in our place. In Christ, we are forgiven and can come to Him in right standing.
This truth alone should compel us to put down our phone or snap our laptop shut and do a praise dance!
Tucked in the Bible stories are other ways we can delight in God:
Ponder His works. After Jesus’ birth, Mary treasured all the events happening around her and pondered them.
Fear Him. David did not fear Goliath, rather He feared God who then secured the victory over this giant and the Philistines.
Return to Him. The prodigal son realized the love of the father only after time away from this relationship. While the son was still far off, the father ran and hugged and kissed his lost son. The father then threw party to celebrate the son’s return.
Study the scriptures. Paul said in his “inner being I delight in God’s law” Romans 7:22. Oh, that we too would delight in God’s word.
Be wary of thinking we can please God with our works only, though. When I was single, I thought if I went to church and was a good person God would surely bring me a husband. I did not understand God wanted me to delight in Him first. Out of this relationship He later gave me the desire of my heart.
Thinking of the fawn, I believe God put it in my backyard so I would experience and ponder His delight. Maybe so I would wrestle with the falsehood that God delights in others but not me.
I’m asking God to make me more aware of Him so I can delight in Him more.