The Jesus I Know


I wrote this poem for Bible Study Fellowship share night. The poem summarizes what I learned about Jesus from each chapter of the Gospel of John. Several people asked for a copy so here you go!

He’s the Word made flesh. The One who dwelt on earth.

He turned the water to wine and displayed His glory and worth.

He’s the One and Only Son, sent to save us from our sin.

He’s the well of living water so we’ll never thirst again.

He’s the Healer of the sick. He does what the Father does.

He’s with us in the storms. He’s the Bread of Life from above.

He did not come on His own. He tells us, “God sent Me.”

He is the Light of the world. His truth will set you free.

He gave sight to the blind and blinded those who see.

He’s the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for me.

He is the Resurrection. He gives life to the dead.

This King rode on a donkey just as the prophet said.

He has a servant-leader heart. He loved each of His friends.

He’s the Way to the Father, and He’ll come back in the end.

He’s the Vine and I’m the branch. In Him I produce much fruit.

He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us into truth.

He prayed for His disciples. He prayed for you and me.

He was betrayed and denied. No one would set Him free.

He was flogged, mocked, and crucified, but this was not the end.

He arose from the dead. The tomb could not hold Him in.

He appeared and spoke to many. His life was not a facade.

I believe He is the Messiah–the One, true Son of God.

by Sally Cressman




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