The Way Through No Man’s Land


My daughter and I went to see the movie Wonder Woman this week. It’s been out since June, so we thought we’d better see it on the big screen before it left the theaters. We loved it and were drawn in for all 2 hours and 20 minutes.

My favorite scene was Diana and Steve wading through a trench in the front line of the “war to end all wars.” Wonder Woman (Diana) is the only one who dared to enter No Man’s Land — the literal dead space between opposing forces.

Mercilessly, the enemy prowled in wait on the other side. Others had tread in this between space but died. Many had trespassed on this land only to return to the pit as bullets flew their way. Undeterred, and compelled by compassion, Wonder Woman stepped up into No Man’s Land. With each step she grew in confidence, using her metal armbands and shield to deflect the onslaught of bullets coming her way. She crossed this zone victoriously. Others witnessed her courage and followed.

I so I wanted to insert myself in that scene. I’ve been stuck in the trenches far too long allowing the enemy to steal my dreams. I’ve exhausted myself trying to defend against the onslaught.

In the movie, I saw this stretch of dirt as a place of fear and great opposition. The place where dreams stall or die. When you’re stuck in the pit on one side, but your dream is on the other side. The only way across is through No Man’s Land.

Maybe you’ve attempted advancing before, but the enemy hurled an assault of arrows your way. You’ve tried to deflect them with your own resources, but you’re bruised, injured and in the pit again. The dream still burns deep within, but you’ve been beaten down so many times you’re ready to raise the white flag and surrender.

Just as Wonder Woman wielded her weapons, as Jesus followers, God has given us weapons; one specifically, the shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16). I need this shield if I’m going to have any hope of making it to the other side, to propel myself forward where the dream waits to be fulfilled. I need this full-body protection when the enemy assaults me with lies:

Forget it. You’ll never succeed.

You’ve tried once. Just give up.

Haven’t you embarrassed yourself enough?

You’re not smart enough, good enough, or courageous enough. You’ll never be enough.

Your circumstances will never change.

But God promises “His faithfulness will be a protective shield” (Psalm 91:4). When the enemy throws lies our way, we need to wield God’s shield of faithfulness and protect ourselves from the onslaught, replacing these untruths with His truth. With each blow, we can counter with His truth:

I hear you. (Jeremiah 29:12)

I’m not done with you. (Philippians 1:6)

I am with you. (Matthew 28:20)

I will help you. (Hebrews 13:6)

I will shelter you. (Psalm 9:9)

While I’ll never be Wonder Woman, I know the One who has defeated the father of all lies. While I don’t have any of her super powers, God has provided armor whenever I need it.

The enemy wants to thwart our plans or distract us from our dreams and goals. But God will help us through the opposition and protect us from the assaults. We only need to remember to hold up the shield of faith and advance.

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