Waiting Expectantly

As mothers, we know what it means to be expecting. We wait and allow the baby to grow inside our bodies. We don’t want the baby to come too early. The timing has to be just right for the baby’s growth and development.

The same is true with our prayer lives. We pray and wait expectantly, but we must wait on the Lord’s timing. God has a reason for His timely answer to prayers. It may be that all the details have not come together yet.

There are over a hundred references to the word wait in the Bible. There are also several definitions or descriptions of waiting in the dictionary. To wait means “to stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens; to remain stationary in readiness or expectation; a state or attitude of watchfulness and expectancy.”

What if we prayed God-sized prayers and waited expectantly for the answers?

If you pray a prayer that you know is possible for you to accomplish, then your prayer is not God-sized. Pray a prayer that only God can accomplish.

What big prayers is He placing on your heart? Go ahead write them down. It is scary I know. Several years ago, I wrote down two huge prayers that I thought would never happen. Guess what? They’re both in the process of happening. I will let you in on a little secret. I have only shared this with a couple of people.

Here is how my prayer was written:

  • I can self-publish a book, but God can open the doors for a publisher.
  • I can speak at local moms’ groups, but God could open doors for me to speak to a larger audience.

The Book of Psalms in the Bible provides some great verses to help us during the waiting.

  • Psalm 27:14, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
  • Psalm 5:3, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait.”
  • Psalm 130:5, “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word, I put my hope.”

Based on the definition and scriptures I developed this acrostic that might help the next time you are waiting on the Lord.

Watchful – be ready and expecting.
Attitude – have a prayerful spirit.
Immerse- involve yourself deeply in prayer.
Time-allow God time to work in the details.

Call to Action – Write three small prayers that you could accomplish. Next, add a comma followed by “but God…” and write a big prayer idea that you know it would be God if it happened.

I would love for you to share your BIG prayer ideas with me and I would love to pray with you expecting God to give you an amazing answer.


Adria Wilkins has an accounting degree from Western Kentucky University. She and her husband, Erik, live in Northern Virginia and have three children Katie, Blake, and Anthony. She enjoys telling a story, adding sprinkles of joy and a few extra dollops to liven it up. After suffering the unthinkable – death of three-year-old Blake, she found that Jesus sustains, and evens surprises His followers with joy.

Her current book will release on July 23, 2019, called “The Joy Box Journal.” Contact information
Adria Wilkins
Website: Joyboxstories.com
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adria.wilkins


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