Ten Reasons to Give Thanks Every Day

I know I’m in the minority, but I look forward to the Thanksgiving holiday more than Christmas. Why? Because this holiday remains stripped-down, untarnished, and pure. We may get all Martha-like with the food preparation but expectations for the day stay low. No one will return the pumpkin pie. No one has to pretend she likes something (there’s plenty of food options). Mom’s not left cleaning up the wrappings, ribbons and disappointed hearts. We are not yet exhausted from the Christmas onslaught.

In November we can pause. Breathe. Be still.

I need a pause in my life after this past month. (See my October 11, “When You Need Help” post.) Yet, in all the trips to hospitals and hospice, there were hidden blessings.

I saw God in unexpected places. I was reminded of who He is. I reminded myself to offer thanksgiving whether I felt like it or not.

Reading through the scriptures provides plentiful reasons to express my gratitude despite my feelings.

  1. When you are lacking. A boy with five loaves of bread and two fish offered his lunch to Jesus’ disciples. Jesus received the paltry brown bag lunch, broke the bread and gave thanks. That small offering fed 5000-plus with 12 baskets of leftovers. (See Matthew 14:15-20.) When your eyes see not enough, give thanks.
  2. When it’s inconvenient. Ten men with skin diseases begged Jesus to have mercy on them. He commanded them to go to the priests. While they were on the way, the skin on each man cleared. One returned to thank Jesus; nine went their own way. Why? Was it out of the way? Could they not find Jesus again? Or was it just inconvenient? When it’s inconvenient, give thanks. (See Luke 17:11-19.)
  3. When you are in the pit (or about to be). The administrators and satraps tricked King Darius to sign a law stating anyone who prayed to a god other than the king would be delivered to the lions’ den. The law was irrevocable. Daniel prayed and thanked God anyway. (See Daniel 6.) When our life is in the pit, we can give thanks.
  4. When someone has spoken unkind words about you. The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the church at Ephesus warning about such talk. When you want to spar with words, give thanks instead. (Ephesians 5:4)
  5. When your mind is confused. More Google searches will not bring clarity. Only when we acknowledge God will we become wise. When your mind is confused, give thanks. (Romans 1:21)
  6. When you are worried. When you are worried about anything, give thanks. (Philippians 4:6)
  7. When all is not good. When your son’s heart is being worked on and your sister is diagnosed with rare, untreatable cancer, God is still good. We can give thanks. (1 Chronicles 16:34)
  8. Whether it’s morning or evening. If you’re tired in the morning—and the evening, give thanks. Whether God watercolors a glorious sunrise or ends the day with a blustery rainstorm, give thanks. (1 Chronicles 23:30)
  9. When you cannot think of a thing to give thanks for. Thank God for His indescribable gift of Jesus. He rescued you. Redeemed you. Indwelt you. Loves you. (2 Corinthians 9:15)
  10. Whenever. When you’re away from the comforts of home, you are unemployed, or water from the upstairs bathroom is flooding your basement, give thanks. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Whatever your circumstance—if you are on the mountain or in a pit, in pain or in comfort, in the morning or evening, in answers or in waiting—give thanks, not on Thanksgiving Day only but every day.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34


What are you thankful for this day?

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