by Tonya O’Guinn
“Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord.” Lamentations 2:19b
As I reflect on this precious verse, my mind is drawn to the idea of what it means to “pour.” The word pour, in its literal sense, is to flow as in a steady stream. This brings to mind the picture of water pouring into a glass, or a brook pouring into a lake, or even as a river pouring into an ocean; the imagery is of continuous movement, a flowing without hesitation or resistance, a consistency without hindrance or interruption.
Then it occurred to me, should not our prayer life be like this, continuous, flowing, and consistent? God’s Word says to “Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). When I think about praying like this, I am drawn again to the analogy of pouring and flowing. To pray without ceasing is to have a prayer life that reflects a constant attitude of the heart and soul. It does not mean that all we do throughout the day is pray and nothing else. Yet, this type of prayer life speaks of a relationship, a communion with our Heavenly Father that is fervent and dynamic.
It’s amazing that we can call on the Lord and talk to Him throughout the day. He is there, always there. Yes, the presence of the Lord is always with us. As the psalmist has said, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?” (Psalm 139:7). His word gives us the promise that “He Himself has said, ‘I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.’” (Hebrews 13:5). No matter where we are, the Lord is there. We can talk to Him and be in His presence in all places and at all times! What joy! What comfort! What assurance!
Because of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have access to God the Father so that we can pray to Him. So, talk to God about everything. Pour out your heart over the death of a loved one, a struggling marriage, a rebellious child, a chronic illness, a financial setback, a friend’s betrayal, and so much more. Our Father is there.
What a privilege that we can have an audience with the Lord of all creation. Let the prayers flow and be comforted by His presence.
A Prayer:
Thank You, Lord, that You are near and we can pray to You, in times of joy and times of sorrow. We thank You that You hear us when we call on Your Holy and Powerful Name. Praise You for being a loving Father and giving us a Wonderful Savior.
In Jesus Christ Name, Amen.
*All Scriptures are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB).
Tonya O’Guinn is a friend and fellow writer. Tonya lives in Chattanooga, TN. She is a wife and a mother to two young adult daughters. She has written for a ministers’ wives blog, and she currently writes children’s Sunday School curriculum for a Christian publishing company.